Fairy Dell
Fairy Dell in one of the most well known birding hotspots in the Bairnsdale area. Located approximately 30 minutes from Bairnsdale, it is easily accessible by most vehicles. There is a picnic ground with toilet facilities.
To get to Fairy Dell, drive towards Bruthen from Bairnsdale, at Wiseleigh, ( about 3 Km before Bruthen), there will be a sign that will direct you towards Fairy Dell, along the Deep Creek Rd. The route is well sign posted from here.
Rose Robin |
Juvenile White-Naped Honeyeater |
Spotted Pardalote |
There are two walks at Fairy Dell that connect with each other half way along. The first track takes you along the ridge, which is a much drier environment. Birds such as White Throated Tree Creeper, Spotted Pardalote, Common Bronzewing and Wonga Pigeon are common along along this track. The second walk runs through lush wet habitat, where Rose Robin, Rufous Fantail, Black Faced Monarch, Brown Gerygone, and Lyrebird can be seen. The best tactic to use is to walk 15 or 20 metres, and then stop and listen for 5 minutes or so. Eastern Whipbirds are often quite inquisitive, and will come up close for a look.
The ebird Hotspot can be seen here. http://ebird.org/ebird/australia/hotspot/L2551342
The walking track in Fairy Dell- Google Maps |
Some unusual sightings include Pink Robin, Speckled Warbler, White Bellied Cuckoo Shrike, Beautiful Firetail have been seen at Fairy Dell. Powerful and Sooty Owl have also been seen here occasionally, so keep an eye out for roosting birds.
Fairy Dell walking track |
The bridge over the creek |
Fairy Dell is probably one of the best places to go birding in the western part of East Gippsland. The range of birds is very similar to Cabbage Tree Flora Reserve, but the easy access and closeness to Bairnsdale makes Fairy Dell a must visit birding stop.
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